Menarini Weltweit:

Berlin-Chemie entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt seit über 130 Jahren pharmazeutische Produkte und ist seit 1992 eine Tochtergesellschaft der Menarini-Gruppe, dem führenden italienischen Pharmaunternehmen.

Erfahren Sie mehr über die Menarini-Gruppe

Verantwortung wird bei Berlin-Chemie großgeschrieben. Wir leisten nicht nur einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Gesundheitsversorgung, sondern setzen unsere Werte auch durch verschiedene soziale Initiativen in die Praxis um.

Entdecke mehr über globale Verantwortung

Von Schulmaterialien über kostenlose Mahlzeiten und Medikamente bis hin zur Pflege der Umwelt weltweit. Bei Menarini bedeutet Verantwortung, unsere Werte in konkrete Handlungen umzusetzen, die für andere und für den Planeten gut sind.

Berlin-Chemie - ein starker Partner. Unsere langjährige Erfahrung und der Erfolg gemeinsamer Projekte machen uns zum bevorzugten Partner. 

Entdecke mehr über globale Partnerschaften

Menarini verfügt über ein fundiertes Know-how in vielen wichtigen therapeutischen Bereichen, dank der langjährigen, exzellenten Markteinführung und der Kapazitäten in Marketing und Vertrieb sowie der Expertise in Bezug auf regulatorische Aspekte und Marktzugang. Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zu großem Erfolg, und bei Menarini ist Partnerschaft ein Teil der DNA.

Unser ganzheitlich ausgerichtetes und professionelles Gesundheitsmanagement bietet Ärzten zu vielen Themen, je nach Bedarf, individuelle Beratung, Schulungen oder Workshops, Veranstaltungen und Vorträge an.

Unser Medical Hub fungiert als zentrale Anlaufstelle für Ärzte und medizinisches Fachpersonal. Hier finden sich alle Informationen zu unseren Medikamenten, Mehrwerten und Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten.

Willkommen im Bereich Nachrichten & Medien. Hier finden Sie allgemeine Informationen in Form von Pressemitteilungen, News und aktuelles Bildmaterial. 

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Menarini Group News

2017 - 03 - 13

Menarini arrives in colombia and peru two new affiliates for a stronger connection between two continents

The Menarini Group has consolidated its presence in Latin America with new affiliates in Colombia and Peru. Both countries have emerging economies which offer the company opportunities for market expansion with its high-quality pharmaceuticals. Two new affiliates have just been opened in Bogotá and Lima, strengthening the connection between two continents and creating a springboard for other areas of expansion in Latin America.

“We are enthusiastic about increasing our presence in Latin America with the opening of our branches in Peru and Colombia, strategic countries where Menarini has decided to strengthen its commitment to guarantee that patients have access to extremely high-quality medicinal products manufactured at our 15 Menarini sites”, explained Alberto Giovanni Aleotti, Vice Chairman of the Menarini Group. This, he added, “represents a stepping stone for international growth of the Group, which is currently present in over 130 countries, with its presence in the USA being a particularly notable success.”

The Menarini Group has a global annual turnover of € 3.46 billion.


2017 opens with a new challenge for the Italian company which is specialised in medicinal products for pain relief and cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive tract and urological treatment. The company is also committed to research and development into new cancer treatments.

Colombia, a country with a population of over 47 million, is among the top 20 countries in the world in terms of the amount of direct foreign investment it receives, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). On 9 March, Menarini inaugurated its new affiliate in the country’s capital, Bogotá, where 40 people are now employed, including medical-scientific and administrative personnel. The inauguration event, held at the Italian Embassy, was attended by government officials, representatives from scientific companies and institutions, and medical staff.

On 7 March, with an event held at the Lima Art Museum, the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Menarini in Peru was celebrated, which currently has 30 employees.

The first Menarini branch in Latin America was opened 38 years ago in Guatemala, with affiliates opening subsequently in El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and Belize. In these Central American countries and in the Caribbean, Menarini recorded an increase of 11% in the turnover for 2015, equal to € 93 million for the year. The Italian company has also had a direct presence in Mexico since 2009, and through its distributors it also makes its medicinal products available to the medical community in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina and Chile, offering work to almost 600 employees and in constant growth. 


Michelantonio Bosso Menarini LATAM Director


Mauro Marsili, Italian Ambassador in Peru


Italian Ambassadress in Colombia, Caterina Bertolini and Michelantonio Bosso, Menarini Latin America Director


Inauguration of Menarini’s affiliate in Peru

Michelantonio Bosso, Menarini Latin America Director and Alberto Cipolla Area Manager Peru and Colombia

Alberto Cipolla Area Manager Peru and Colombia, Jorge Brañes Country Manager Menarini Peru, Michelantonio Bosso Menarini LATAM Director

Valeria Speroni Cardi Head of Menarini Press & Media Relations, Italian Ambassador in Colombia, Caterina Bertolini and Michelantonio Bosso Menarini LATAM Director


Michelantonio Bosso Menarini Latin America Director


Alberto Cipolla Area Manager Peru and Colombia, Valeria Speroni Head of Menarini Press Office & Media Relations, Luis A. Giampietri Rojas Vice Admiral AP, Joan Segon , Michelantonio Bosso Menarini LATAM Director



M. Bosso Bosso Menarini Latin America Director, A. Cipolla Area Manager Peru and Columbia, on the right Gabriel Bautista Country Manager Menarini Columbia

Michelantonio Bosso Menarini LATAM Director


Menarini Perù


 Menarini Colombia


Valeria Speroni Cardi Head of Menarini Press & Media Relations and Alberto Cipolla Area Manager Peru and Colombia


Alberto Cipolla Area Manager Peru and Colombia, Michelantonio Bosso Director Menarini Latin America and Joan Segon 


Luis A. Giampietri Rojas Vice Admiral AP


Menarini Colombia

Italian Ambassadress in Columbia Caterina Bertolini