Ennio Troiano, Predrag Sasha Danilovic, Gianni Merlo, Ivan Origone, Igor Cassina
“Menarini's goal has always been that of producing the highest quality pharmaceutical products which millions of patients rely on worldwide to improve their lifestyle. High ethical standards, observance of the regulations, honesty, and fairness are the only way to achieve this goal. Every action is based on one of the values underlying the concept of Fair Play. We are therefore naturally oriented towards the values of the award we support in our role as Title Sponsor and which this year has been called the Menarini Fair Play Award. In this edition we have awarded many top athletes on the world sporting scene (Predrag Danilovic, Ivan Origone, Christof Innerhofer ) and we are proud of the fact that from now on these athletes will be ambassadors of Menarini Fair Play throughout the world”, declared Ennio Troiano, Corporate HR Manager of the Menarini Group.
Among the numerous special events in this year's edition, our initiative in Florence was met with great enthusiasm: a visit for sportsmen and women organised in Palazzo Vecchio, the town hall. The prize-winners, including Niccolò Campriani, Luca Galimberti, May Faisal El-Khalil and Anastasia Davydova, who were welcomed by the Counsellor for Sport, Andrea Vannucci, had the chance to visit the Salone dei Cinquecento, the Sala delle Carte Geografiche, and all the great treasures contained in Palazzo Vecchio.
Moreover, as a corollary of the event, there was a very exciting game of volleyball “100vs100” which opened the XVIII edition of the Menarini International Fair Play Award in Castiglion Fiorentino (AREZZO). Due to bad weather this match had to be held in the Palazzetto dello Sport, and not in Piazza del Municipio as in previous years, however this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the over 300 children in attendance!
During the match, thanks to the Banda dei Piccoli Chef (Band of little chefs) of the LILT , (Italian League for the fight against cancer), this year alongside the Menarini Fair Play award, it was also possible for all the children present to take part in a fantastic initiative: free cooking classes. A fun way of teaching children and adults all about proper nutrition!
However the biggest thrill was obviously during the final day on Wednesday 23 July. At 9.00 pm the lights of Rai Sport focussed on the official ceremony that kicked off in Piazza del Municipio with three outstanding ambassadors of Fair Play!
The presenters of the evening, Franco Lauro and Monica Matano, welcomed three great ambassadors as well as formidable athletes linked with the Award: Igor Cassina, Eleonora Lo Bianco and Christof Innerhofer.
“The Fair Play award is one of my most important recognitions”, commented Christof Innerhofer, “In my opinion, the values of Fair Play should be the basis of our whole lives and not just something associated with the world of sport.”
“I am extremely proud to have become a testimonial to the Menarini Fair Play Award after winning it last year. Now I have an even greater responsibility”, stated Eleonora Lo Bianco.
During the evening our special prize, "Energia e Cuore Sustenium" (Sustenium Energy and Heart), was awarded to Ivan Origone, speed skier, who made his debut with the Italian team in 2005 and is one of the most successful athletes in the history of this sport, together with his brother, Simone Origone. It was Ivan who cracked the junior world record with an amazing 250.70 km/h!
Among the other champions who received awards this year there was Claudia Bokel (fencing) winner of the “A life for sport” prize, May Faysal El-Khalil (Beirut Marathon Association President) winner of the “Fair Play for Peace” prize, Anastasia Davydova (synchronised swimming) winner of the “Sport and life” prize, Niccolò Campriani (shooting) winner of the “Sport Promotion” prize, Valerio Aspromonte (foil) winner of the “A model for young people” prize, Marit Bjoergen (cross-country skiing) and Predrag Danilovic (basketball) winners of the “Mythical personality” prize, winner of the “Sport beyond sport” prize is Daniele Molmenti (Kayak), winner of the “Sport and solidarity” prize is Luca Galimberti (rock climbing, canoeing, swimming), winner of the “Narrating the emotions” prize is the journalist Emanuela Audisio and La Domenica Sportiva, the “Nicola’s Foundation” prize is to Stefano Domenicali (Formula 1 manager), the “Sport and sponsor” prize is to Maniva Spa, the special Fiamme Gialle (Finance Police) prize (the "Study and Sport” prize) is to Camilla Rossi (fencing).
“The emotions we have experienced during this eighteenth edition have been unique explained Angelo Morelli, Probably the most exciting and intense ever. The winners selected by the jury are obviously at the basis of this success, but in my opinion Franco Lauro and Monica Matano managed to capture the essence of their stories. A success that also rewards Castiglion Fiorentino, as mentioned many times, and which has won this bet together with us. As we close this XVIII Menarini International Fair Play Award, despite being physically exhausted our minds are already buzzing with projects for the next edition”.
Predrag Sasha Danilovic (basketball), “Mythical personality”

The winners of MENARINI 2014 FAIR PLAY AWARD

Emanuela Audisio (Rai Sport Journalist), "Narrating the emotions” prize

Anastasia Davydova (synchronised swimming), "Sport and life” prize

Marit Bjoergen (cross-country skiing ), “Mythical personality”

Claudia Bokel (fencing), “A life for sport” prize

Camilla Rossi (fencing), the special Fiamme Gialle the "Study and Sport” prize

Niccolò Campriani (shooting), winner of the “Sport Promotion” prize

Daniele Molmenti (Kayak), "Sport beyond sport”prize

Stefano Domenicali (Formula 1 manager), "Nicola’s Foundation” prize

May Faysal El-Khalil (Beirut Marathon Association President),
“Fair Play for Peace” prize

Luca Galimberti (rock climbing, canoeing, swimming), “Sport and solidarity” prize

Christof Innerhofer (alpine skiing),
"Fair Play" prize

Ivan Origone (speed skiing), "Energia e Cuore Sustenium" special prize

Maurizio Losa (Rai Sport), "Narrare le emozioni” prize

Michele Foglio, "Sport and sponsorship” prize to Maniva Spa

Valerio Aspromonte (foil), "A model for young people” prize
The winners of MENARINI 2014 FAIR PLAY AWARD

Predrag Sasha Danilovic, Ennio Troiano (HR Corporate Director of Menarini Group)

Angelo Morelli, Vincenzo Parrinello (Fiamme Gialle), Franco Lauro

Angelo Morelli, Anastasia Davydova,
Pier Carlo Bottero

Gen. Giorgio Bartoletti (Centro Sportivo Fiamme Gialle commander), Angelo Morelli

Niccolò Campriani, Andrea Vannucci (Councillor for Sports of the Municipality of Florence), Anastasia Davydova, Ennio Troiano (HR Corporate Director of Menarini Group), May Faysal El-Khalil, Gen. Gianni Gola, Chiara Fatai, Luca Galimberti