Menarini Weltweit:

Berlin-Chemie entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt seit über 130 Jahren pharmazeutische Produkte und ist seit 1992 eine Tochtergesellschaft der Menarini-Gruppe, dem führenden italienischen Pharmaunternehmen.

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Verantwortung wird bei Berlin-Chemie großgeschrieben. Wir leisten nicht nur einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Gesundheitsversorgung, sondern setzen unsere Werte auch durch verschiedene soziale Initiativen in die Praxis um.

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Von Schulmaterialien über kostenlose Mahlzeiten und Medikamente bis hin zur Pflege der Umwelt weltweit. Bei Menarini bedeutet Verantwortung, unsere Werte in konkrete Handlungen umzusetzen, die für andere und für den Planeten gut sind.

Berlin-Chemie - ein starker Partner. Unsere langjährige Erfahrung und der Erfolg gemeinsamer Projekte machen uns zum bevorzugten Partner. 

Entdecke mehr über globale Partnerschaften

Menarini verfügt über ein fundiertes Know-how in vielen wichtigen therapeutischen Bereichen, dank der langjährigen, exzellenten Markteinführung und der Kapazitäten in Marketing und Vertrieb sowie der Expertise in Bezug auf regulatorische Aspekte und Marktzugang. Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zu großem Erfolg, und bei Menarini ist Partnerschaft ein Teil der DNA.

Unser ganzheitlich ausgerichtetes und professionelles Gesundheitsmanagement bietet Ärzten zu vielen Themen, je nach Bedarf, individuelle Beratung, Schulungen oder Workshops, Veranstaltungen und Vorträge an.

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Menarini Group News

2017 - 04 - 12

Menarini ‘brings’ sirmione thermal water into italian homes


An agreement has been signed under which Menarini will distribute ‘Acqua di Sirmione’ (Sirmione Thermal water) belonging to the Sirmione Thermal Spa, a leading product for the health and well being of the upper respiratory tract in subjects of all ages, above all children, the elderly, and during pregnancy.


Sirmione, 12th April 2017 –  From today onwards ‘Acqua di Sirmione’ thermal water, the most well known and used nasal solution in Italy, will be distributed by Menarini who has just acquired the commercialisation rights for the Italian market.

Thanks to this agreement, the Florentine company will be able to strengthen its presence in the OTC sector with a product  with unique properties.


‘Acqua di Sirmione’, is made exclusively from natural Thermal Spa water from the Sirmione Spa, which is microbiologically pure and 100% natural.  It is non-toxic and free from side effects, suitable for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis but also for the cleansing and well being of the mucous membranes of the nose.

 ‘Acqua di Sirmione’ is unique in so far that it only exists in nature and cannot be reproduced chemically. The source of the spa waters can be found at a height of  more than 800 metres up Mount Baldo, running down to 2100 metres below sea level.  The entire course takes more than 20 years to complete during which the waters become enriched with minerals and other unique properties.


Giacomo Gnutti, CEO of the Sirmione Therma Spa, a well known company specialised in the treatment of the respiratory tract: “We have entered into an important and long term partnership with Menarini  with the common aim of  strengthening our position in the pharmacy market with our top product, available on the market since 1994”.


“ ‘Acqua di Sirmione’  is one of the most well known and acknowledged  thermal spa waters in our country” declared Lucia and Alberto Giovanni Aleotti, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the  Menarini Group. “ It is unique and natural product which we believe is highly useful to patients and which we would like to see grow even further,  proof of our belief in Italian uniqueness and excellence”.


The Acqua di Sirmione spa waters provide a combination of the characteristics of sulphorous waters, which have antinflammatory and expectorant properties, with the qualities of   salso-bromo-iodic waters (which not only hydrate but also have an antiseptic effect) – highlighted Carlo Sturani Scientific and Medical Director at the Sirmione Thermal Spa. –The numerous actions of the sulphurous salso-bromo-iodic waters documented in  scientific research  make this product  suitable for both inhalation and aerosol treatments in all those cases where patients are affected by upper respiratory infections, particularly children: Acqua di Sirmione clears blocked noses, helps you breathe better and improves the daily cleansing of the respiratory tract. All of which may be achieved without significant side effects or interactions with other medicinal products. The characteristics of this product make it particularly suitable for use in sensitive subjects as well as children, Acqua di Sirmione is useful for the well being of women during pregnancy, the elderly and on many other occasions, such as hydrating the mucous membranes of the nose when flying”.


The acquistion of the commercialisation rights by Menarini is an important accomplishment for the Florentine Multinational Pharmaceutical company, which has been  growing strongly  in the OTC sector over the past few years thanks to longstanding brand names such as Vivin C, Sustenium, Fastum, and  Enantyum as well as the new products such as Prostamol.