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Almost everyone has had to deal with the unpleasant, painful condition of constipation at some time in their life. Up to 15 percent of people in Germany suffer from a chronic form of this condition.1

But when should a person actually be considered to be constipated? This actually varies from person to person and depends on a wide range of factors including lifestyle. However, there are some rough figures that can help: One bowel movement three times a day to three times a week is generally considered normal. Less frequent bowel movements are therefore classed as less than three times a week. As well as frequency, the hardness of the stool and whether the bowel movement is difficult or painful also plays a role.

Constipation can lead to indisposition, discomfort as well as bloating and pain. The causes of these symptoms may be very varied and are associated, for example, with poor or unusual diet, lack of exercise, hormonal fluctuations, psychological factors and disease. There are a number of things people can do to restore their gut activity to normal such as exercise, change in diet or taking certain medication.

If constipation persists a doctor should be consulted. 


1 Becker, G., et al. "Aktualisierte S2k-Leitlinie chronische Obstipation der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie, Verdauungs-und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurogastroenterologie & Motilität (DGNM)–April 2022–AWMF-Registriernummer: 021–019." Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 60.10 (2022): 1528-1572