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Open and fair cooperation with healthcare professionals has been a matter of course for BERLIN-CHEMIE for many years. As a member of the association "Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle für die Arzneimittelindustrie e.V." (FSA), we have committed ourselves to the FSA codes. The codes were created to put cooperation between healthcare professionals and the pharmaceutical industry on a transparent and ethically sound basis.
A prerequisite for ethically impeccable cooperation is the preservation of the independence of doctors and other healthcare professionals.
In order to guarantee this, our cooperation with healthcare professionals is based on the following principles:
Based on this, we will disclose benefits to healthcare professionals in future in accordance with the requirements of the new FSA Transparency Code, for the first time in 2016 for the 2015 calendar year.
Increased social expectations, international transparency laws for the healthcare sector (e.g. in the USA, France and Japan) and various European transparency initiatives have led to EFPIA, the European Pharmaceutical Industry Association, deciding to implement a transparency code for 33 European countries in 2013. In Germany, the decision is being implemented through the FSA Transparency Code.
We are convinced that the transparency code will make an important contribution to avoiding conflicts of interest and making collaboration with healthcare professionals even more transparent.
We welcome the fact that our initiative, and therefore the publication of benefits, is supported by the majority of members of professional organisations.
Further information on the FSA Transparency Code can also be found at www.pharma-transparenz.de or contact us by email at transparenzkodex@berlin-chemie.de!