Menarini Weltweit:

Berlin-Chemie entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt seit über 130 Jahren pharmazeutische Produkte und ist seit 1992 eine Tochtergesellschaft der Menarini-Gruppe, dem führenden italienischen Pharmaunternehmen.

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Verantwortung wird bei Berlin-Chemie großgeschrieben. Wir leisten nicht nur einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Gesundheitsversorgung, sondern setzen unsere Werte auch durch verschiedene soziale Initiativen in die Praxis um.

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Von Schulmaterialien über kostenlose Mahlzeiten und Medikamente bis hin zur Pflege der Umwelt weltweit. Bei Menarini bedeutet Verantwortung, unsere Werte in konkrete Handlungen umzusetzen, die für andere und für den Planeten gut sind.

Berlin-Chemie - ein starker Partner. Unsere langjährige Erfahrung und der Erfolg gemeinsamer Projekte machen uns zum bevorzugten Partner. 

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Menarini verfügt über ein fundiertes Know-how in vielen wichtigen therapeutischen Bereichen, dank der langjährigen, exzellenten Markteinführung und der Kapazitäten in Marketing und Vertrieb sowie der Expertise in Bezug auf regulatorische Aspekte und Marktzugang. Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zu großem Erfolg, und bei Menarini ist Partnerschaft ein Teil der DNA.

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Menarini Group News

2016 - 06 - 17

Other 10 public housing accommodation renovated by Menarini in Florence

Press Release



Another 10 Homes Restructured in Florence by Menarini

The company is now responsible for renovating a total of 30 public housing units in Florence, delivering keys to the families together with the city's Mayor, Dario Nardella and local authority councillor, Sara Funaro.



Florence, 17 June 2016 - Walking into a comfortable and dignified place and being able to call it home: this has been made possible for 10 vulnerable families in Florence. This morning Menarini and the Municipality of Florence delivered the keys to 10 restructured homes to families on the city's public housing list. The keys were delivered in Florence's 4th district, one of the most highly populated areas of the city, in the presence of the Mayor Dario Nardella, local authority Welfare Advisor, Sara Funaro and Lucia and Alberto Giovanni Aleotti, Chairperson and Vice Chairman of the Menarini pharmaceutical Group.

The pharmaceutical company has confirmed its commitment to the project for a third consecutive year. A total of 30 apartments have been restructured, varying in size from 50 to 70 m2, therefore assigned to small and medium sized families, all of whom who have spent months waiting for a comfortable home for themselves and their loved ones.

The project, in collaboration with Casa S.p.A. (managers of the public housing units in the Florence area) put restructuring works into action that lasted a few months, with the restoration of existing electrical, mechanical and heating systems, the replacement of kitchen and bathroom fittings, and the checking and replacement of fixtures in these 10 apartments, situated in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th districts of Florence. Those receiving the houses are Florentine families in difficulty, suffering from problems of unemployment and/or social hardship.

"It has been three years since Menarini launched this social commitment to the city of Florence" - highlighted Lucia and Alberto Giovanni Aleotti - "Menarini has funded the complete renovation of public housing units owned by the local council, which otherwise would have remained uninhabitable. We are delighted to be able to offer a further 10 homes and witness the joy of the families that now have a safe place for themselves and their children to live. This is another confirmation of just how important Florence is to us, the place where our company has been based since 1915."

"This makes 30 homes which have been completely restructured and regenerated thanks to the collaboration with the Menarini pharmaceutical Group" Dario Nardella reminded us, "it is a great joy to be able to put a roof over a family's head, often a family with lots of children, who otherwise would have great difficulty finding a safe and peaceful home. We are well aware that much more needs to be done, but we also know that thanks to this collaboration between public and private services, we are starting to find the solutions to meet our citizens' needs. We have an ambitious housing plan: we want to offer a total of 800 homes in public and social housing. Now we are ready to allocate a further investment of 4 million Euros: for us housing is a priority".

"Today ten families can move into public housing thanks to a collaboration which has been going on for years and which means a great deal to us, our collaboration with the Menarini pharmaceutical Group" - declared local authority Welfare Advisor Sara Funaro - "through the synergy between public and private spheres we can guarantee more needs are met. There are many homes that need restructuring in our municipality and the public administration is investing its own resources. However, private investments allow us to achieve more."

"For us it is a pleasure to collaborate with Menarini, year after year, to renovate empty public housing units so they are fit for use once more" declared the Chairman of Casa Spa, Luca Talluri. "By now we have achieved total harmony, both in the spirit of the initiative and in our operations. I would like to underline the fact that the efforts made to guarantee full use of public housing, by funding the necessary renovation works is already on the government's agenda, both with the Law 80/2014 and the 2016 Stability Law: concrete action and real resources contribute to solving the problem of poor living conditions".

Some of the public housing units in the Isolotto area renovated by Menarini

One of the renovated apartments in Florence renovated by Menarini

From the left: Dario Nardella, Lucia Aleotti, Alberto Giovanni Aleotti

Menarini hands over some of the public housing units in Florence

One of the families who have benefitted from the housing units renovated by Menarini

The keys to the housing units renovated by Menarini